Impact Solutions International

Miriam Coleman

As an agent for change I hold an intense curiosity about how to leverage leadership based on what connects us as humans including harnessing the power of our unconscious and conscious minds: we are all connected.

Through kindness and generosity I bring integrity and compassion into helping leaders step into their wholehearted truth.

My intention is to bring humanity closer to peace, unity, respect and inclusion, one leader at a time.

My skills base helps to Iluminate the path to self transformation through modalities known and emerging with a lens on removing the impact of trauma and its unconscious effect on how we lead.

A successful career, at an exectuvie level in corporate accounting, finance, governance and strategy has provided me with a depth and breadth of globally informed leadership and management experience. I believe that the corporate world has the resources and cability to change the world for the betterment for all.

As a finalist in Australian’s pre-emineent Business Woman’s Award in 2020 my heart centered leadership approach and natural propensity to lift and raise others to success was recognised

My natural ability to hold and clearly articulate a vision garners trust, acts of bravery and a united approach. This is beautifully supported by my strong sense of equity and justice.

I have led business transformational change for multiple organisations and I am sought out by leaders for perspective and wise counsel in times of conflict and great change.

What are you really passionate about?

I am passionate about guiding individuals in developing greater self- awareness and consciousness by working on the inner game which affects a leaders outer game. One person at a time, we have the capacity to change whole systems.

Just imagine if we shift the inner game of the global system for good. Now that is exciting!

Mahatma Gandhi’s words “in a gentle way you can shake the world” guide me.

How has Impact Solutions International helped your development?

I am a graduate of Impact Solutions International’s Emerging Leaders Program in 2004. This intensive course ignited my passion and curiosity for understanding the qualities of impactful leadership. It set the foundation for my own leadership journey and enabled me to lead in organisations across the world.

I am now working with Impact Solutions International mastering leadership to facilitate my intention and passion.

What work do you most like to do?

The work that brings me joy is encouraging and facilitating the growth and development of people and teams who are searching for their purpose, their “why”. Helping develop the skills and self- awareness to lead and influence real change from within themselves. We all know that the inner game impacts the outer game. Together we explore what lies within, the stories that we tell ourselves, the values that we hold true, challenge beliefs, and move from a place influenced by fear and uncertainty to a place of understanding and compassion.